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Hey all. Basically here i will tell you about what is to come and how it turned out.

Well N-Tense Sports in Bowling Green, KY is by far one of the best fields i have ever played at and every one should come out there and play.  Also on your way out there you may want to stop by Action Paintball on Conference Dr. and fullfill all your paintball needs. 

  Tournament Section

Well it is now December and as all you paintballers know this is the off season.  Over this past tournament season I have done alot of things I think I would be doing so fast.  I went to FL twice for paintball and traveled around the south eastern states alot for tourneys.  I have seen alot and experienced alot more than I expected too.  I feel I have rose to a new level in my paintball career and intend to continue the rode to become a great player. 

Buzzkill did some really great stuff this year.  We did decent in MSPA and I feel we were always a contender in every tourney we played, as long as we play as a team and focus on each game one game and one obstacal at a time we should do very well for ourselves this next season.  We did very well at World Cup especially in the 10-man and showed that we are working out our consistancy problem.  I can't wait till next season to start and I hope we keep it together long enough to show the world our potential. I plan on keeping you all posted on our progress.

  Other Crap

As some of you may know I go to Greenbrier High School and some of you may know we have a great football team this year December 4th our team played for the 3-A State Championship, we lost unfortunatly but the seniors on that team have done more than I could have imagined and this is the farthest GHS has ever been.  We have set some records and even have this years Mr. Football Roger Herndon on our team.  The season is now over and I hope next years team can do better and win the State Championship. Lets Go Green

  Hey I am in DECA !!!!!

Alright time for a short rant, DECA has offically went to hell this year. Yes i said it not any bodies fault we just don't have an experienced teacher to do all the work.  We still plan on going to competition and I hope I am able to make it to Nationals this year which are in Cali.  I'll keep you all posted on that front